Meet the Team

Project Engineer

Community (Energy) Advisor

Hudson’s Hope is a small rural community in Northeast BC with a big vision. They have embraced solar energy like few other communities in Canada by installing 500kw of grid-tied solar panels onto nine municipal buildings, which power 50% to 100% of the facilities. At an investment of over 1M, this is largest solar array for any municipality in BC and marks Hudson’s Hope as a leader in energy sustainability in the region. Urban Systems has been part of their journey from the initial brainstorming stage through to project management and oversight of the actual build itself. As the fastest growing energy source in the world, solar power was of great interest to the municipality. The cost of solar has decreased by more than 80% over the past 8 years. Once the idea for the solar array was generated, the District applied for a provincial gas tax grant and was successful in receiving $1.35 million dollars through the Union of BC Municipalities.
Project Engineer
Community (Energy) Advisor