Securing Cochrane's Water Future
The Town of Cochrane faces water supply challenges due to rapid growth and environmental factors. The town's current water license supports 44,000 residents, but growth projections and halted new license grants by the Government of Alberta have created issues. Environmental challenges like low rainfall and higher temperatures have increased drought risks. Cochrane sought a solution without burdening taxpayers. A team led by Urban's Leigh Chmilar and Lynda Cooke collaborated with the town to address these challenges. In 2019, the team began by understanding Cochrane's water supply needs and evaluating servicing options. They developed a comprehensive strategy covering licensing options, water demand management, supply and treatment infrastructure, and governance and finance implications to secure Cochrane's water supply for 25 years. The Girl Guides of Canada provided a non-consumptive water license, securing enough water capacity for 25 years and saving over $25 million.